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Ukaliq & Kalla Season 1 (2020)

Set in the Arctic, Ukaliq & Kalla is an educational children’s animated series that follows two lively characters—Ukaliq, an excitable and impulsive Arctic hare, and Kalla, an even-tempered and intelligent lemming. This unlikely pair leads young viewers on entertaining and educational adventures that teach valuable lessons. Often unprepared and impatient, Ukaliq tends to get himself into trouble, but calm and thoughtful Kalla is always right there to lend a hand and help his friend. Together, Ukaliq and Kalla introduce children to life in the North and provide teachable moments for a preschool audience of 2- to 5-year-olds.

13 x 11 mins, 2D animation, Inuktitut & English 



Writers: Roselynn Akulukjuk, Neil Christopher, Champagne Brittany Choquer, Luke Coleman, Erik Blohm-Gagné, Nadia Mike, Nadia Sammurtok

Directors: Roselynn Akulukjuk, Luke Coleman

Producers: Monica Ittusardjuat, Daniel Christopher, Neil Christopher


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