The magical world described in Inuit myths and legends exists! It is a hidden place inhabited by land spirits, ancient giants, powerful ogresses, sea creatures, and other strange beings. As machines, technology, and new religions arrived in the the North, doorways and paths between the modern world and the Hidden World were forgotten. However, there are some who still remember the way across…
Stop-motion animation
Director’s Notes:
Beyond the Inuksuk is a series of stories similar to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and C.S. Lewis’s world of Narnia. These stories link the human world to a world of magic and spirits. However, instead of the stories taking place in wartime England with magic from European folktales (as you find in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), Beyond the Inuksuk takes place in northern Canada, and the magical world is the world of Indigenous Canadian mythology (specifically Inuit mythology). This series will show children a magical world as exciting as anything available in popular culture, but this world is authentically Indigenous, and it has been preserved in stories passed on for generations.
One of the strengths of this series is that the magical world it represents is fully developed and steeped in Inuit culture and history. Over a decade of research and story development has allowed us to construct a magical world that is rich with its own creation myths and mystical language. We have an opportunity to share many different stories of monsters, ogresses, and giants that most children have never seen yet.
This series could be Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings for children. Beyond the Inuksuk can be enjoyed through the entertaining stories it will tell, or a fan can spend years discovering the rich history and storytelling depth that exist in these materials.
Directed by Neil Christopher
Produced by Louise Flaherty and Neil Christopher
Screenplay by Neil Christopher
Concept Art and Behind the Scenes: